posted on 2020-01-22, 16:40authored byToru Niina, Sotaro Fuchigami, Shoji Takada
(HS) atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a prominent imaging
technology that observes large-scale structural dynamics of biomolecules
near the physiological condition, but the AFM data are limited to
the surface shape of specimens. Rigid-body fitting methods were developed
to obtain molecular structures that fit to an AFM image, without accounting
for conformational changes. Here, we developed a method to fit flexibly
a three-dimensional (3D) biomolecular structure into an AFM image.
First, we describe a method to produce a pseudo-AFM image from a given
3D structure in a differentiable form. Then, using a correlation function
between the experimental AFM image and the computational pseudo-AFM
image, we developed a flexible fitting molecular dynamics (MD) simulation
method by which we obtain protein structures that well fit to the
given AFM image. We first test it with a twin experiment; using an
AFM image produced from a protein structure different from its native
conformation as a reference, we performed the flexible fitting MD
simulations to sample conformations that fit well the reference AFM
image, and the method was confirmed to work well. Then, parameter
dependence in the protocol was discussed. Finally, we applied the
method to a real experimental HS-AFM image for a flagellar protein
FlhA, demonstrating its applicability. We also test the rigid-body
fitting of a molecular structure to an AFM image. Our method will
be a general tool for dynamic structure modeling based on HS-AFM images
and is publicly available through the CafeMol software.