growth and etching are reciprocal processes that can reach
a dynamic balance during chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Most commonly,
the growth of graphene is the dominate process, while the etching
of graphene is a recessive process often neglected during CVD growth
of graphene. We show here that through the rational design of low-pressure
CVD of graphene in hydrogen-diluted methane and regulation of the
flow rate of H2, the etching effect during the growth process
of graphene could be prominent and even shows macroscopic selectivity.
On this basis, etching-controlled growth and synthesis of graphene
with various morphologies from compact to dendritic even to fragmentary
have been demonstrated. The morphology–selection mechanism
is clarified through phase-field theory based on simulations. This
study not only presents an intriguing case for the fundamental mechanism
of CVD growth but also provides a facile method for the synthesis
of high-quality graphene with trimmed morphologies.