porous carbons have been widely used for capacitive deionization,
the low accessible surface area because of the hydrophobic microporous
structure results in unsatisfied desalination capacity, which drastically
hinders their practical application. Herein, a novel carbon nanofiber
fabric with a large accessible surface area was prepared by electrospinning
using the uniformly dispersed ferrocene as a pore former. The carbon
nanofiber fabric with good mechanical strength and flexibility can
be directly used as a filter membrane to filter simulated sandy seawater.
The high content of heteroatoms increases the surface polarity of
the carbon nanofiber, while the well-controlled interconnected mesoporous
structure of the optimized sample facilitates fast transport and adsorption
of hydrated Na+ and Cl–. Thus, the hydrophilic
carbon nanofiber fabric shows a Brunauer–Emmett–Teller
surface area of 922 m2 g–1 and a large
accessible surface area of 405 m2 g–1, leading to a high capacitance of 263 F g–1 in
the NaCl electrolyte. Most importantly, it shows an ultrahigh desalination
capacity of 19.34 mg g–1, which is much higher than
most of the previously reported carbon materials. The high desalination
capacity, fast adsorption rate, and good cycle stability make the
as-prepared carbon nanofiber fabric an attractive candidate for practical