American Chemical Society

Effects of Histidine Supplementation on Global Serum and Urine 1H NMR-based Metabolomics and Serum Amino Acid Profiles in Obese Women from a Randomized Controlled Study

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-04-27, 00:00 authored by Shanshan Du, Shuhong Sun, Liyan Liu, Qiao Zhang, Fuchuan Guo, Chunlong Li, Rennan Feng, Changhao Sun
The aim of current study was to investigate the metabolic changes associated with histidine supplementation in serum and urine metabolic signatures and serum amino acid (AA) profiles. Serum and urine 1H NMR-based metabolomics and serum AA profiles were employed in 32 and 37 obese women with metabolic syndrome (MetS) intervened with placebo or histidine for 12 weeks. Multivariable statistical analysis were conducted to define characteristic metabolites. In serum 1H NMR metabolic profiles, increases in histidine, glutamine, aspartate, glycine, choline, and trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) were observed; meanwhile, decreases in cholesterol, triglycerides, fatty acids and unsaturated lipids, acetone, and α/β-glucose were exhibited after histidine supplement. In urine 1H NMR metabolic profiles, citrate, creatinine/creatine, methylguanidine, and betaine + TMAO were higher, while hippurate was lower in histidine supplement group. In serum AA profiles, 10 AAs changed after histidine supplementation, including increased histidine, glycine, alanine, lysine, asparagine, and tyrosine and decreased leucine, isoleucine, ornithine, and citrulline. The study showed a systemic metabolic response in serum and urine metabolomics and AA profiles to histidine supplementation, showing significantly changed metabolism in AAs, lipid, and glucose in obese women with MetS.
