American Chemical Society
jp0c06072_si_001.pdf (24.73 MB)

Effects of Electronic Structure on Molecular Plasmon Dynamics

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-09-01, 20:33 authored by Kyle D. Chapkin, Luca Bursi, Benjamin D. Clark, Gang Wu, Adam Lauchner, Ah-Lim Tsai, Peter Nordlander, Naomi J. Halas
Collective, coherent excitations in molecules, termed molecular plasmons, can be observed in neutral and charged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Systems in this few-atom limit show behavior strongly dependent on charge state, where the addition or removal of even a single electron dramatically alters electronic and optical properties. Here, we investigate the dynamics of PAHs by studying their excited-state lifetimes in four different charge states: cation, neutral, anion, and dianion. Those characterized by a closed-shell electronic structurethe neutral molecule and the dianionexhibit long-lived, exponentially decaying lifetimes typical of radiative relaxation. In contrast, the open-shell cationic and anionic states exhibit far more rapid multiexponential decay dynamics. This can be attributed to the nonradiative de-excitation of multiple electron–hole pairs in the molecule through molecular plasmon “dephasing” and vibrational relaxation. This study gives insight into the nature of excited states of open- and closed-shell molecules and illuminates the role played by electronic structure in the collective electron dynamics of few-atom plasmonic systems.
