posted on 2015-03-03, 00:00authored byJiří Kopáček, Josef Hejzlar, Jiří Kaňa, Stephen
A. Norton, Evžen Stuchlík
water concentrations of phosphorus (P) recently increased
in some mountain areas due to elevated atmospheric input of P rich
dust. We show that increasing P concentrations also occur during stable
atmospheric P inputs in central European alpine lakes recovering from
atmospheric acidification. The elevated P availability in the lakes
results from (1) increasing terrestrial export of P accompanying elevated
leaching of dissolved organic carbon and decreasing phosphate-adsorption
ability of soils due to their increasing pH, and (2) decreasing in-lake
P immobilization by aluminum (Al) hydroxide due to decreasing leaching
of ionic Al from the recovering soils. The P availability in the recovering
lakes is modified by the extent of soil acidification, soil composition,
and proportion of till and meadow soils in the catchment. These mechanisms
explain several conflicting observations of the acid rain effects
on surface water P concentrations.