posted on 2015-12-17, 00:14authored byEid Alsbou, Bob Helleur
infusion-electrospray ionization (ESI)-Ion-Trap MS and ESI-Ion-Trap
MS2 were used for direct analysis of bio-oil from forest
residue and reference bio-oils from cellulose and hardwood lignin.
It was found that the bio-oil concentration and mode of MS analysis
are important parameters in obtaining reproducible and structurally
informative data. In order to study sensitivity and selectivity with
ESI-Ion-Trap MS, a selection of model compounds were studied with
and without dopants. Dopants included NaCl, formic acid and NH4Cl in positive ion mode and NaOH and NH4Cl in negative
ion mode. NH4Cl addition can be used to distinguish carbohydrate-derived
products from other bio-oil components. NaOH and NaCl additives produced
the highest peak intensities in negative ion mode as deprotonated
adducts and in positive mode as sodiated adducts, respectively. ESI-MS2 was used successfully for confirmation of individual target
ions such as levoglucosan and cellobiosan, as well for some structural
products of lignin. Simple bio-oil fractionation into hydrophilic
and hydrophobic components provided less complex and more interpretive
ion spectra.