this work, 1H NMR was used to examine the anionic
copolymerization kinetics of ethylene oxide and 1,2-butylene oxide.
The in situ NMR technique allows monitoring the concentration profiles
of both monomers simultaneously. A series of polymerization experiments
at different monomer and initiator concentrations were done in order
to determine the copolymerization rate constants. The data were evaluated
by fitting the result of a numerical solution of the kinetic differential
equations to the NMR data. This procedure allowed calculating all
four rate constants, kEE, kEB, kBE, and kBB, individually instead of the commonly determined reactivity
ratios rE = kEE/kEB and rB = kBB/kBE. The monomer incorporation into the copolymer chains is dominated
by the different reactivities of the monomers, whereas the nature
of the chain ends is of minor importance. In the system investigated
ethylene oxide is about 6.5 times more reactive than 1,2-butylene
oxide. The compositional profiles of the final copolymers can be calculated
from the time-resolved concentration profiles. If both monomers are
present at the start of the polymerization the compositional profiles
have a sigmoidal shape with one chain end containing mainly ethylene
oxide and the other chain end being formed almost exclusively of butylene
oxide units. However, with the knowledge of the copolymerization rate
constants it is possible to realize other compositional profiles.
If the reactor is first charged with ethylene oxide the addition rates
of butylene oxide can be calculated in order to obtain any other arbitrarily
chosen compositional profile.