posted on 2012-12-13, 00:00authored byHajime Yamagata, Chris M. Pochas, Frank C. Spano
A novel mechanism for J- and H-aggregate formation is
on the basis of wave function overlap (WFO) coupling between neighboring
chromophores which supplements the usual through-space (Coulombic)
coupling. In cases where the latter is relatively small compared to
the former, as might arise for excitons based on molecular transitions
with low oscillator strengths, J- vs H-aggregation is determined by
the sign of the product DeDh, where De (Dh) is the coupling between a neutral Frenkel exciton and
the charge transfer exciton created through the transfer of an electron
(hole) to a neighboring chromophore. Adapting a sign convention based
on translational symmetry in a linear array of chromophores, a positive
(negative) sign for DeDh places the bright exciton on the bottom (top) of the
exciton band, consistent with J- (H-) aggregation. The J- (H-) aggregates
so formed behave as direct (indirect) bandgap semiconductors with
vibronic signatures in absorption and photoluminescence that are identical
to those displayed by conventional Coulomb coupled aggregates. WFO
coupling leading to the mixing of intrachain Frenkel excitons and
polaron pairs may be important in conjugated polymer aggregates where
the Coulomb coupling practically vanishes with the (conjugation) length
of the polymer. Calculations based on octathiophene (8T) dimers show
that the eclipsed geometry yields a WFO coupling favoring H-aggregate
behavior, although a longitudinal (long-axis) displacement by only
1.5 Å is enough to change the sign of the coupling, leading to
J-aggregate behavior. Hence, it should be possible to design thiophene-based
polymers which act as J-aggregates with respect to the interchain