posted on 2023-02-20, 18:10authored byDavid B. Robinson, Maher Salloum
Mixtures of gas-phase hydrogen isotopologues (diatomic
of protium, deuterium, and tritium) can be separated using columns
containing a solid such as palladium that reversibly absorbs hydrogen.
A temperature-swing process can transport hydrogen into or out of
a column by inducing temperature-dependent absorption or desorption
reactions. We consider two designs: a thermal cycling absorption process,
which moves hydrogen back and forth between two columns, and a simulated
moving bed (SMB), where columns are in a circular arrangement. We
present a numerical mass and heat transport model of absorption columns
for hydrogen isotope separation. It includes a detailed treatment
of the absorption–desorption reaction for palladium. By comparing
the isotope concentrations within the columns as a function of position
and time, we observe that SMB can lead to sharper separations for
a given number of thermal cycles by avoiding the remixing of isotopes.