posted on 2006-04-20, 00:00authored byYan Zhao, Donald G. Truhlar
Recent interest in the application of density functional theory prompted us to test various functionals for the
van der Waals interactions in the rare-gas dimers, the alkaline-earth metal dimers, zinc dimer, and zinc-rare-gas dimers. In the present study, we report such tests for 18 DFT functionals, including both some very
recent functionals and some well-established older ones. We draw the following conclusions based on the
mean errors in binding energies and complex geometries: (1) B97-1 gives the best performance for predicting
the geometry of rare-gas dimers, whereas M05-2X and B97-1 give the best energetics for rare-gas dimers.
(2) PWB6K gives the best performance for the prediction of the geometry of the alkaline-earth metal dimers,
zinc dimers, and zinc-rare-gas dimers. M05-2X gives the best energetics for the metal dimers, whereas B97-1
gives the best energetics for the zinc-rare-gas dimers. (3) The M05 functional is unique in providing good
accuracy for both covalent transition-metal dimers and van der Waals metal dimers. (4) The combined mean
percentage unsigned error in geometries and energetics shows that M05-2X and MPWB1K are the overall
best methods for the prediction of van der Waals interactions in metal and rare-gas van der Waals dimers.