American Chemical Society
ja066679+_si_002.pdf (330.76 kB)

Coexistence of Magnetization Relaxation and Dielectric Relaxation in a Single-Chain Magnet

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journal contribution
posted on 2006-12-27, 00:00 authored by Yue-Ling Bai, Jun Tao, Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, Osamu Sato, Rong-Bin Huang, Lan-Sun Zheng
A novel single-chain magnet, [MnIII3O(Meppz)3(EtOH)4(OAc)] (1), has been successfully synthesized from a secondary building block [MnIII3O(Meppz)3(EtOH)5Cl] (2) with an S = 1 ground state. SCM 1 exhibits both magnetization relaxation and dielectric relaxation properties.
