American Chemical Society
ci9501094_si_001.pdf (1.23 MB)

CHEMO Notation. A Line Notation for Organic Compounds Following IUPAC Nomenclature

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journal contribution
posted on 1996-03-26, 00:00 authored by Yukio Yoneda
CHEMO notation is a high-level line notation faithfully in line with the IUPAC nomenclature to describe organic compounds and even reactions. It has conserved the concepts in nomenclature concerned with superatoms (parent rings and functional groups) as well as stereochemistry, by describing the corresponding symbols and modifiers as universal descriptors that may be used in estimation in chemistry. It can describe fusion, atom replacement, configuration, etc. One can convert a CHEMO formula or equation both to a connection table composed of superatoms as nodes and stereo modifier symbols and to a conventional one composed of single atoms and vice versa. CHEMO notation describes compounds more precisely than prevailing line notations that denote only skeletal connection in them. It does not request rigorous rules, but a subsystem CANON can prepare unique representation from it.
