Application of Cluster Analysis (CLA) in Feed Chemical
Imaging To Accurately Reveal Structural−Chemical Features of
Feeds and Plants within Cellular Dimension
Synchrotron Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy can explore molecular chemical
features of the microstructure of feeds. The most straightforward method of data analysis is the
mapping of specific functional group intensities and frequencies by peak heights and/or areas.
However, this univariate statistical method does not always accurately identify functional group
locations and concentrations, because the so-called “unique” bands for the peak area mapping have
more or less inference with other nonunique bands in feed and plant tissues. The objective of this
study was to use a multivariate analysis methodcalled agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis
(CLA)to analyze infrared spectra for chemical imaging. The results show the CLA method gave
satisfactory results and was conclusive in showing that it can discriminate and classify functional
group differences existing in different structure regions. This approach (CLA for chemical imaging)
places synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy at the forefront of those techniques that could potentially
be used in the rapid characterization of feed microstructure.
Keywords: Synchrotron; infrared spectroscopic characteristics; cluster analysis; imaging; feeds; plant