American Chemical Society

Analytical Strategies and Method Validation to Access the Bioavailability of Essential Elements and Arsenic from Raw and Cooked Fish and Shrimp

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-06-22, 15:37 authored by Herick Macedo Santos, Simone Cristina Méo Niciura, Ana Rita de Araujo Nogueira
The bioavailability of essential and toxic elements in raw/cooked tilapia and shrimp was estimated using in vitro gastrointestinal digestion followed by the Caco-2 cell model to simulate the human intestinal barrier. Analytical strategies such as aerosol dilution, collision cell, and matrix-matching calibration were successfully explored for multielement quantification using ICP OES and ICP-MS. From Caco-2 cell bioassays, the estimated bioavailability values ranged from 1.4% (Fe) to 15.2% (Cu) in tilapia and from 0.2% (Fe) to 10.7% (P) in shrimp. Air-frying and oven-baking methods decreased tilapia’s Mg, P, S, Cu, and Fe bioavailability. Contrarily, the bioavailability of essential elements (except Mn) in shrimp seemed to increase after air-frying. Arsenic bioavailability in cooked shrimp was significantly higher than in the raw sample (1.9 vs 5.7%) but fortunately below the limit allowed by legislation. In spite of the complexity of basal solutions from the cell-based bioassays, the applied analytical strategies allowed the accurate quantification of the bioavailable fractions by ICP-based methods.
