posted on 2006-07-26, 00:00authored byLonnie D. Williams, Anthony E. Glenn, Charles W. Bacon, Mary A. Smith, Ronald T. Riley
The fungus Fusarium verticillioides infects maize and produces fumonisins. The purpose of this study
was to determine the ability of F. verticillioides to produce fumonisins in synthetic and natural soils
and their biological availability to maize roots. Maize seeds were inoculated with a pathogenic strain
of F. verticillioides (MRC826) and planted in synthetic and three different natural soils. There were
statistically significant reductions in stalk weight and root mass and increased leaf lesions in the
MRC826-treated seedlings in all soil types. Fumonisins were detected in all of the soils of seedlings
grown from MRC826-inoculated seeds. The fumonisin produced in the soils was biologically available
to seedlings as demonstrated by the statistically significant elevation of free sphingoid bases and
sphingoid base 1-phosphates in their roots. These results indicate that F. verticillioides produced
fumonisins in the autoclaved synthetic and natural soils and that the fumonisin produced is biologically
available on the basis of evidence of inhibition of ceramide synthase.
Keywords: Fumonisin; Fusarium verticillioides; maize; seedling disease