American Chemical Society
ic6b02317_si_002.cif (463.87 kB)

[CH3NH3]2Ag4SnIV2SnIIS8: An Open-Framework Mixed-Valent Chalcogenidostannate

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posted on 2016-10-21, 17:56 authored by Bo Zhang, Jun Li, Cheng-Feng Du, Mei-Ling Feng, Xiao-Ying Huang
An open-framework chalcogenidostannate, namely, [CH3NH3]2Ag4SnIV2SnIIS8 (1), has been solvothermally synthesized and structurally characterized, which represents the first organically templated three-dimensional (3D) Ag–Sn–S compound containing the mixed valence of Sn­(IV)/Sn­(II) and displays visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity for degradation of crystal violet (CV).
