American Chemical Society

Technetium(I) Carbonyl Dithiocarbamates and Xanthates

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posted on 2011-02-07, 00:00 authored by A. E. Miroslavov, G. V. Sidorenko, D. N. Suglobov, A. A. Lumpov, V. V. Gurzhiy, M. S. Grigor’ev, V. A. Mikhalev
Technetium(I) tetracarbonyl complexes with diethyldithiocarbamate and methylxanthate ligands [TcL(CO)4] (L = S2CNEt2 and S2COMe) were prepared. Conditions required for the formation of these complexes were found. The crystal and molecular structure of the xanthate complex was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. [Tc(S2CNEt2)(CO)4] undergoes decarbonylation both in solution and in the course of vacuum sublimation with the formation of a dimer [Tc(S2CNEt2)(CO)3]2 whose structure was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. In donor solvents, [Tc(S2CNEt2)(CO)4] and [Tc(S2COMe)(CO)4] undergo decarbonylation with the formation of tricarbonyl solvates [TcL(CO)3(Sol)]. The crystal structure of the pyridine solvate [Tc(S2CNEt2)(CO)3(py)], chosen as an example, was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The possibility of using bidentate S-donor acidic ligands for tethering the tetracarbonyltechnetium fragment to biomolecules was examined.
