American Chemical Society
cm5035358_si_002.cif (563.87 kB)

Synthetic, Structural, and Electrochemical Study of Monoclinic Na4Ti5O12 as a Sodium-Ion Battery Anode Material

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posted on 2014-12-23, 00:00 authored by Pierre J. P. Naeyaert, Maxim Avdeev, Neeraj Sharma, Hamdi Ben Yahia, Chris D. Ling
The monoclinic phase of Na4Ti5O12 (M-Na4Ti5O12) has been investigated as a potential sodium-ion battery anode material. In contrast to the previously investigated trigonal phase (T-Na4Ti5O12), M-Na4Ti5O12 has continuous two-dimensional (2D) channels with partially occupied Na sites, providing broader pathways and more space for the intercalation of excess sodium. Electrochemical measurements show that it exhibits a comparable or higher reversible capacity than T-Na4Ti5O12. Neutron powder diffraction reveals the preferred sites and occupancies of the excess sodium. In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction under electrochemical cycling shows that the crystal lattice undergoes strongly anisotropic volume changes during cycling.
