American Chemical Society
ol5027816_si_001.cif (33.83 kB)

Synthesis of Sexithiophene-Bridged Cage Compound: A New Class of Three-Dimensionally Expanded Oligothiophenes

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posted on 2014-11-21, 00:00 authored by Kazuhiko Adachi, Yasukazu Hirao, Kouzou Matsumoto, Takashi Kubo, Hiroyuki Kurata
A bicyclo-type cage-shaped compound consisting of three sexithiophenes was successfully synthesized and characterized by NMR, HRMS, and X-ray crystallographic analysis. The strained cage architecture was reflected in the blue-shifted absorption spectrum relative to its linear analogue. Intramolecular interaction between three-dimensionally fixed sexithiophenes was suggested by electrochemical analysis.
