American Chemical Society

Supramolecular Hydrogen Bond Isomerism in Organic Salts:  A Transition from 0D to 1D

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posted on 2006-04-05, 00:00 authored by Darshak R. Trivedi, Parthasarathi Dastidar
Based on nine single-crystal structures of a series of organic salts derived from dicyclohexylamine and n-alkyl monocarboxylic acids (CH3−(CH2)n−COOH, n = 1−17), it is shown that salts having n = 14 and 15 display 1D hydrogen-bonded networks, whereas majority of the salts having n = 1−9 show 0D networks. Structural analyses indicate that both intra- and internetwork alkyl−alkyl interactions appear to be responsible for such a supramolecular transition.
