American Chemical Society
ac4c00445_si_002.xlsx (3.91 MB)

Site-Specific Analysis of Core and Antenna Fucosylation on Serum Glycoproteins

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posted on 2024-04-04, 13:33 authored by Jun Li, Didi Liu, Yingjie Zhang, Jiechen Shen, Wei Dan, Zexuan Chen, Shisheng Sun
Fucosylation is an important structural feature of glycans and plays an essential role in the regulation of glycoprotein functions. Fucosylation can be classified into core- (CF) and antenna-fucosylation (AF, also known as (sialyl-) Lewis) based on the location on N-glycans, and they perform distinct biological functions. In this study, core- and antenna-fucosylated N-glycans on human serum glycoproteins that hold great clinical application values were systematically characterized at the site-specific level using StrucGP combined with the recently developed fucosylation assignment method. The results showed that fucosylation was widely distributed on serum glycoproteins, with 50% of fucosylated glycopeptides modified by AF N-glycans, 37% by CF N-glycans, and 13% by dual-fucosylated N-glycans. Interestingly, CF and AF N-glycans preferred to modify different groups of serum glycoproteins with different tissue origins and were involved in distinctive biological processes. Specifically, AF N-glycoproteins are mainly from the liver and participated in complement activation, blood coagulation, and endopeptidase activities, while CF N-glycoproteins originate from diverse tissues and are mainly involved in cell adhesion and signaling transduction. These data further enhanced our understanding of fucosylation on circulation glycoproteins.
