American Chemical Society
om9004302_si_003.cif (21.42 kB)

Photoactivation of Ruthenium Olefin Metathesis Initiators

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posted on 2009-08-24, 00:00 authored by Amos Ben-Asuly, Anna Aharoni, Charles E. Diesendruck, Yuval Vidavsky, Israel Goldberg, Bernd F. Straub, N. Gabriel Lemcoff
UV irradiation of latent sulfur-chelated ruthenium olefin metathesis precatalysts produced a cis-dichloro−trans-dichloro photoisomerization. The enhanced activity of the trans isomer, when aromatic substituents were attached to the sulfur chelating atom, induced several metathesis reactions, including ROMP, at room temperature.
