American Chemical Society
jm6b00333_si_002.csv (53.07 kB)

Pharmacophore Model To Discover OX1 and OX2 Orexin Receptor Ligands

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posted on 2016-08-22, 00:00 authored by Ainoleena Turku, Alexandre Borrel, Teppo O. Leino, Lasse Karhu, Jyrki P. Kukkonen, Henri Xhaard
Small molecule agonists and antagonists of the orexinergic system have key implications for research and therapeutic purposes. We report a pharmacophore model trained on ∼200 antagonists and prospectively validated by screening a collection of ∼137,000 compounds. The resulting hit list, 395 compounds, was tested for OX1 and OX2 receptor activity using calcium mobilization assay in recombinant cell lines. Validation was conducted using both calcium mobilization and [125I]-orexin‑A competition binding. Compounds 47 have weak agonist activity and Ki’s in the 1–30 μM range; compounds 814 are antagonists with Ki’s in the 0.1–10 μM range for OX2 and 1–50 μM for the OX1 receptor. Docking simulations were used to devise a working hypothesis where two subpockets are important for activation, one between TM5 and TM6 lined by Phe5.42, Tyr5.47, and Tyr6.48 and another above the orthosteric pocket lined by Asp2.65 and Tyr7.32.
