American Chemical Society
ja045948y_si_005.cif (137.99 kB)

Palladium-Catalyzed Copolymerization of Ethene with Acrolein Dimethyl Acetal:  Catalyst Action and Deactivation

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posted on 2004-10-06, 00:00 authored by Weidong Li, Xiaochun Zhang, Auke Meetsma, Bart Hessen
Acrolein dimethyl acetal (ADMA) can be copolymerized with ethene using a cationic α-diimine palladium chelate catalyst to yield branched copolymers. Catalyst deactivation occurs via methanol elimination to give an inert η3-1-methoxyallyl palladium species. This process can be retarded by the addition of an aliquot of methanol to the reaction mixture, increasing overall catalyst productivity.
