American Chemical Society
ao8b01716_si_002.cif (1.16 MB)

Molecular Structure of the Photo-Oxidation Product of Ellagic Acid in Solution

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posted on 2018-09-14, 14:53 authored by Hisashi Tokutomi, Takashi Takeda, Norihisa Hoshino, Tomoyuki Akutagawa
The photoreaction of the antioxidant ellagic acid (EA) elicits a drastic coloration in solution from colorless to yellow in aerated tetrahydrofuran, which appears as a new absorption band at 405 nm. Analysis of the X-ray crystal structure suggests that the photo-oxidation product of EA is a multiple cleavage π-structure (Ox-EA) that results from the interaction of EA with singlet oxygen followed by sequential cleavage and rearrangement steps.
