American Chemical Society
jo048979k_si_004.cif (20.01 kB)

Molecular Recognition of Carbohydrates with Acyclic Pyridine-Based Receptors

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posted on 2004-10-29, 00:00 authored by Monika Mazik, Wolfgang Radunz, Roland Boese
The recognition capabilities of acyclic pyridine-based receptors toward monosaccharides were evaluated. Aminopyridine receptors based on the 2,4,6-trimethyl- or 2,4,6-triethylbenzene frame show high β vs α binding selectivity in the recognition of glucopyranosides. Amidopyridine receptors, which are sterically less hindered at nitrogen, display high efficiency and an inverse selectivity. The 2-aminopyridine group has been established as a highly effective recognition group in the binding of monosaccharides. The factors influencing the binding properties of receptors 115, which differ in the nature and number of binding and spacer subunits used as the buildings blocks, are discussed.
