American Chemical Society

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Group 10 Metal Dithiolene Bis(isonitrile) Complexes: Synthesis, Structures, Properties, and Reactivity

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posted on 2020-07-30, 18:09 authored by Antony Obanda, Kendra Valerius, Joel T. Mague, Stephen Sproules, James P. Donahue
The reaction of [(Ph2C2S2)2M] (M = Ni2+, Pd2+, Pt2+) with 2 equiv of RNC (R = Me (a), Bn (b), Cy (c), tBu (d), 1-Ad (e), Ph (f)) yields [(Ph2C2S2)­M­(CNR)2] (M = Ni2+, 4af; M = Pd2+, 5af; M = Pt2+, 6af), which are air-stable and amenable to chromatographic purification. All members have been characterized crystallographically. Structurally, progressively greater planarity tends to be manifested as M varies from Ni to Pt, and a modest decrease in the CN bond length of coordinated CNR appears in moving from Ni toward Pt. Vibrational spectroscopy (CH2Cl2 solution) reveals νCN frequencies for [(Ph2C2S2)­M­(CNR)2] that are substantially higher than those for free CNR and increase as M ranges from Ni to Pt. This trend is interpreted as arising from an increasingly positive charge at M that stabilizes the linear, charge-separated resonance form of the ligand over the bent form with lowered C–N bond order. UV–vis spectra reveal lowest energy transitions that are assigned as HOMO (dithiolene π) → LUMO (M–L σ*) excitations. One-electron oxidations of [(Ph2C2S2)­M­(CNR)2] are observed at ∼+0.5 V due to Ph2C2S22– → Ph2C2SS + e. Chemical oxidation of [(Ph2C2S2)­Pt­(CNtBu)2] with [(Br-p-C6H4)3N]­[SbCl6] yields [(Ph2C2SS)­Pt­(CNtBu)2]+, identified spectroscopically, but in the crystalline state [[(Ph2C2SS)­Pt­(CNtBu)2]2]2+ prevails, which forms via axial Pt···S interactions and pyramidalization at the metal. Complete substitution of MeNC from [(Ph2C2S2)­Ni­(CNMe)2] by 2,6-Me2py under forcing conditions yields [(2,6-Me2py)­Ni­(μ211-S′1-S″-S2C2Ph2)]2 (8), which features a folded Ni2S2 core. In most cases, isocyanide substitution from [(Ph2C2S2)­M­(CNMe)2] with monodentate ligands (L = phosphine, CN, carbene) leads to [(Ph2C2S2)­M­(L)­(CNMe)]n (n = 0, 1−), wherein νCN varies according to the relative σ-donating power of L (921). The use of 1,3-bis­(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)­imidazol-2-ylidene (IPr) provides [(Ph2C2S2)­M­(IPr)­(CNMe)] for M = Ni (18), Pd (19), but for Pt, attack by IPr at the isocyanide carbon occurs to yield the unusual η1,κC-ketenimine complex [(Ph2C2S2)­Pt­(C­(NMe)­(IPr))­(CNMe)] (20).
