American Chemical Society

Formal Synthesis of (±)-Aplykurodinone‑1 through a Hetero-Pauson–Khand Cycloaddition Approach

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posted on 2017-02-20, 20:50 authored by Cheng Tao, Jing Zhang, Xiaoming Chen, Huifei Wang, Yun Li, Bin Cheng, Hongbin Zhai
The tricyclic intermediate 2 has been synthesized in eight steps from known compound 6 in 20% overall yield. As such, this constitutes a highly efficient formal synthesis of (±)-aplykurodinone-1. This synthesis features a unique, one-pot, intramolecular hetero-Pauson-Khand reaction (h-PKR)/desilylation sequence to expeditiously construct the tricyclic framework, providing valuable insights for expanding the scope and boundaries of h-PKR.
