American Chemical Society
ol200227w_si_002.cif (35.94 kB)

Facile Synthesis of 5,10,15-Hexaaryl Truxenes: Structure and Properties

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posted on 2011-04-01, 00:00 authored by Min-Tzu Kao, Jia-Hong Chen, Ying-Ying Chu, Kuo-Pi Tseng, Chia-Huei Hsu, Ken-Tsung Wong, Che-Wei Chang, Chao-Ping Hsu, Yi-Hung Liu
A new synthesis of 5,10,15-hexaaryltruxene derivatives has been developed. Experimental observations and theoretical calculations confirmed that the presence of aryl substituents on the sp3-hybridized bridge carbon atoms had an effect on the photophysical properties of the truxene core. Interestingly, the cage compound 11 possessing a distorted truxene core was verified by X-ray diffraction analysis; the influence of the peripheral aryl substituents on the photophysical properties of the truxene core was diminished because of its molecular rigidity.
