American Chemical Society
cm0604817_si_001.xls (118.5 kB)

Distortions in Octahedrally Coordinated d0 Transition Metal Oxides:  A Continuous Symmetry Measures Approach

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posted on 2006-07-11, 00:00 authored by Kang Min Ok, P. Shiv Halasyamani, David Casanova, Miquel Llunell, Pere Alemany, Santiago Alvarez
More than 750 d0 transition metal oxide octahedra have been examined in order to better understand the out-of-center distortion occurring with these cations. A continuous symmetry measures approach was used to quantify the magnitude and direction of the distortion. Using this approach we were able to divide the d0 transition metals into three categories:  strong (Mo6+ and V5+), moderate (W6+, Ti4+, Nb5+, and Ta5+), and weak (Zr4+ and Hf4+) distorters. We also examined and discussed the directional preference of the distortion for each cation.
