American Chemical Society
nl200928k_si_006.xls (94 kB)

Discrete Dynamics of Nanoparticle Channelling in Suspended Graphene

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posted on 2011-07-13, 00:00 authored by Tim J. Booth, Filippo Pizzocchero, Henrik Andersen, Thomas W. Hansen, Jakob B. Wagner, Joerg R. Jinschek, Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski, Ole Hansen, Peter Bøggild
We have observed a previously undescribed stepwise oxidation of mono- and few layer suspended graphene by silver nanoparticles in situ at subnanometer scale in an environmental transmission electron microscope. Over the range of 600–850 K, we observe crystallographically oriented channelling with rates in the range 0.01–1 nm/s and calculate an activation energy of 0.557 ± 0.016 eV. We present a discrete statistical model for this process and discuss the implications for accurate nanoscale patterning of nanoscale systems.
