American Chemical Society
np900654a_si_002.cif (20.65 kB)

Diketopiperazines from the Cordyceps-Colonizing Fungus Epicoccum nigrum

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posted on 2009-12-28, 00:00 authored by Huijuan Guo, Bingda Sun, Hao Gao, Xulin Chen, Shuchun Liu, Xinsheng Yao, Xingzhong Liu, Yongsheng Che
New diketopiperazines, epicoccins E−H (14) and diphenylalazines A (5) and B (6), have been isolated from the solid-substrate fermentation culture of the Cordyceps-colonizing fungus Epicoccum nigrum. The structures of 16 were determined primarily by NMR experiments, and the structure of 1 was confirmed by X-ray crystallography. The absolute configurations of 3 and 5 were assigned using the modified Mosher (3) and Marfey’s (5) methods, respectively. Compounds 35 showed inhibitory effects on HIV-1 replication in C8166 cells.
