American Chemical Society
cg015511r_si_002.cif (11.88 kB)

Design and Synthesis of Novel Aza-Aromatic Host−Guest Complexes:  Crystal Structures of 1,7-Phenanthroline with Thiodipropionic and Thiodiglycolic Acids

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posted on 2001-07-10, 00:00 authored by V. R. Pedireddi
Aza-aromatic compounds such as 1,10-phenanthroline and 1,7-phenanthroline constitute a new class of hosts involving hydrogen bonds as well as hydrophobic interactions. Crystal structures of 1,7-phenanthroline with thiodipropionic and thiodiglycolic acids are discussed, showing the incorporation of the thiodipropionic acid as a guest molecule in channels of 1,7-phenanthroline and the thiodiglycolic acid as being sandwiched between layers of the aza molecules.
