American Chemical Society

Deposition of Antimony Sulfide Thin Films from Single-Source Antimony Thiolate Precursors

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posted on 2007-06-26, 00:00 authored by Jorge Rodriguez- Castro, Phillip Dale, Mary F. Mahon, Kieran C. Molloy, Laurie M. Peter
Antimony sulfide thin films have been deposited for the first time by MOCVD using antimony thiolates Sb(SR)3 (R = But (1), CH2CF3 (2)) as single-source precursors. The structure of 1 was determined by X-ray crystallography and shown to be a monomer. Films were grown from 1 and 2 by low-pressure CVD using both glass slides and silicon wafers as substrates, at substrate temperatures of 300 and 450 °C, respectively. In both cases, the deposited films exhibited XRD patterns that could be fully indexed to orthorhombic stibnite, with stoichiometries in the range Sb2S2.78-3.10 by EDXS. In addition, there is evidence for the formation of small amounts of antimony metal in the films derived from 2. The morphologies of the films are strongly substrate dependent:  1 generates random platelets regardless of substrate, whereas 2 deposits a uniform film with islands of needle morphology on glass or long rods of stacked platelets on Si. A film deposited on glass is photoactive and has a band gap of 1.6 eV.
