American Chemical Society
jo048118b_si_003.cif (13.5 kB)

Conformation Analyses, Dynamic Behavior and Amide Bond Distortions of Medium-sized Heterocycles. 1. Partially and Fully Reduced 1-Benzazepines

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posted on 2005-03-04, 00:00 authored by Maryiam Qadir, Jonathan Cobb, Peter W. Sheldrake, Neil Whittall, Andrew J. P. White, King Kuok (Mimi) Hii, Peter N. Horton, Michael B. Hursthouse
Five 1-benzazepine heterocycles were synthesized by utilizing transition-metal-catalyzed processes in key bond-forming steps. exo-Methylene and methyl substituents were introduced at position 5, as well as a unit of unsaturation between positions 3 and 4, with benzoyl or benzyl N-substituents. Solution- and solid-state structures were examined, using dynamic NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography, corroborated by molecular mechanics calculations. Greater amide distortion is associated with a more stable ground-state structure, which is in turn more reluctant to undergo conformational changes.
