American Chemical Society
ja203206g_si_002.cif (121.37 kB)

Chemical-Stimuli-Controllable Circularly Polarized Luminescence from Anion-Responsive π-Conjugated Molecules

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posted on 2011-06-22, 00:00 authored by Hiromitsu Maeda, Yuya Bando, Konomi Shimomura, Ippei Yamada, Masanobu Naito, Kazuyuki Nobusawa, Hiroyuki Tsumatori, Tsuyoshi Kawai
Introduction of a BINOL–boron moiety to dipyrrolyldiketones as precursors of anion-responsive π-conjugated molecules results in the formation of a chiral environment in the form of anion-free receptors and anion-binding complexes. Conformation changes by inversion (flipping) of two pyrrole rings as a result of anion binding can control the chiroptical properties of the anion receptors. In particular, appropriate pyrrole β-substituents induce distorted receptor π-planes and, as a result, give larger circularly polarized luminescence (CPL), which can be tuned by chemical stimuli (anions). This is the first example of chemical-stimuli-responsive CPL properties.
