posted on 2016-09-01, 00:00authored byMorgan M. Willming, Crystal
R. Lilavois, Mace G. Barron, Sandy Raimondo
contaminant sensitivity of threatened and endangered
(listed) species and protectiveness of chemical regulations often
depends on toxicity data for commonly tested surrogate species. The
U.S. EPA’s Internet application Web-ICE is a suite of Interspecies
Correlation Estimation (ICE) models that can extrapolate species sensitivity
to listed taxa using least-squares regressions of the sensitivity
of a surrogate species and a predicted taxon (species, genus, or family).
Web-ICE was expanded with new models that can predict toxicity to
over 250 listed species. A case study was used to assess protectiveness
of genus and family model estimates derived from either geometric
mean or minimum taxa toxicity values for listed species. Models developed
from the most sensitive value for each chemical were generally protective
of the most sensitive species within predicted taxa, including listed
species, and were more protective than geometric means models. ICE
model estimates were compared to HC5 values derived from Species Sensitivity
Distributions for the case study chemicals to assess protectiveness
of the two approaches. ICE models provide robust toxicity predictions
and can generate protective toxicity estimates for assessing contaminant
risk to listed species.