American Chemical Society

Acceptor or Donor (Diaryl B or N) Substituted Octupolar Truxene:  Synthesis, Structure, and Charge-Transfer-Enhanced Fluorescence

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posted on 2006-09-29, 00:00 authored by Mao-Sen Yuan, Qi Fang, Zhi-Qiang Liu, Jian-Ping Guo, Hong-Yu Chen, Wen-Tao Yu, Gang Xue, Dian-Sheng Liu
Two diaryl B- and N-substituted truxene charge-transfer compounds B3 and N3 have been synthesized. The fluorescence intensities of several nonfunctionalized truxene compounds are 1 order of magnitude weaker than that of B3 and N3. To reveal the structure−property correlations, the X-ray structures of B3 and N3 and their precursors 3 and 4 have been determined. The extended molecular dimension, the especially shortened B−C bond, and the improved planarity of B3 can serve as direct structural evidence for the charge transfer.
