American Chemical Society
ic8017826_si_002.cif (92.63 kB)

3-D Lanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks: Structure, Photoluminescence, and Magnetism

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posted on 2009-02-02, 00:00 authored by Cory A. Black, José Sánchez Costa, Wen Tian Fu, Chiara Massera, Olivier Roubeau, Simon J. Teat, Guillem Aromí, Patrick Gamez, Jan Reedijk
A series of isostructural three-dimensional metal-organic frameworks [Pr2(N-BDC)3(dmf)4] (1), {[Eu2(N-BDC)3(dmf)4]·2DMF} (2·2DMF), [Gd2(N-BDC)3(dmf)4] (3), {[Tb2(N-BDC)3(dmf)4]·2DMF} (4·2DMF), {[Dy2(N-BDC)3(dmf)4]·2DMF} (5·2DMF) (N-H2BDC = 2-amino-1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid; DMF = N,N′-dimethylformamide) with cubic 412·63 topology have been synthesized using solvothermal conditions. The networks were generated via formation of a dinuclear Ln2 secondary building block, involving the dicarboxylate ligand as a bridge. The luminescent properties of the TbIII and EuIII complexes were studied and showed characteristic emissions at room temperature. Antiferromagnetic interactions between LnIII ions were observed from magnetic susceptibility data.
