American Chemical Society
pr2007818_si_001.xls (658.5 kB)

Worker Honeybee Brain Proteome

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posted on 2012-03-02, 00:00 authored by Liudy G. Hernández, Bingwen Lu, Gabriel C. N. da Cruz, Luciana K. Calábria, Natalia F. Martins, Roberto Togawa, Foued S. Espindola, John R. Yates, Ricardo B. Cunha, Marcelo V. de Sousa
A large-scale mapping of the worker honeybee brain proteome was achieved by MudPIT. We identified 2742 proteins from forager and nurse honeybee brain samples; 17% of the total proteins were found to be differentially expressed by spectral count sampling statistics and a G-test. Sequences were compared with the EuKaryotic Orthologous Groups (KOG) catalog set using BLASTX and then categorized into the major KOG categories of most similar sequences. According to this categorization, nurse brain showed increased expression of proteins implicated in translation, ribosomal structure, and biogenesis (14.5%) compared with forager (1.8%). Experienced foragers overexpressed proteins involved in energy production and conversion, showing an extensive difference in this set of proteins (17%) in relation to the nurse subcaste (0.6%). Examples of proteins selectively expressed in each subcaste were analyzed. A comparison between these MudPIT experiments and previous 2-DE experiments revealed nine coincident proteins differentially expressed in both methodologies.
