American Chemical Society
jp9b11756_si_001.pdf (687.69 kB)

Theoretical Study on Deep Eutectic Solvents as Vehicles for the Delivery of Anesthetics

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-02-21, 22:30 authored by Alberto Gutiérrez, Mert Atilhan, Santiago Aparicio
The solvation and solubilization of selected anesthetic active pharmaceutical ingredients (bupivacaine, prilocaine, and procaine) in arginine-based deep eutectic solvents are studied using a theoretical approach considering quantum chemistry and classical molecular dynamics. The intermolecular forces between the anesthetics and the solvent are characterized, with particular attention to hydrogen bonding, in terms of strength, topological properties, interaction mechanism, structuring, and dynamic properties of solvation shells. The reported results show the nanoscopic properties that confirm these solvents as suitable materials for anesthetics drug delivery in the liquid phase.
