American Chemical Society
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Theoretical Probe to the Mechanism of Pt-Catalyzed C–H Acylation Reaction: Possible Pathways for the Acylation Reaction of a Platinacycle

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-12-13, 20:11 authored by Elizabeth Warden, Libero Bartolotti, Shouquan Huo, Yumin Li
Density functional theory (DFT) and nudged elastic band (NEB) theory have been used to study the possible pathways for the acylation of cycloplatinated complex A derived from 2-phenoxypyridine, which is conceived as the key step in the platinum-catalyzed acylation of 2-aryloxypyridines. Geometry optimization indicates that the previously proposed intermediate, an arenium ion species as a result of analogous aromatic substitution, is not an energy minimum, but rather cationic Pt-arene η2-complex E is obtained as a stable intermediate. NEB simulations suggest that the minimum energy pathway for the acylation reaction has energy barrier of 33.6 kcal/mol and consists of the following steps: (1) Nucleophilic substitution at acetyl chloride by the platinum of the reactant A forms five-coordinate Pt­(IV) acylplatinum complex B with an energy barrier of 21.7 kcal/mol. (2) B undergoes 1,2-acyl migration from the platinum to the cyclometalated carbon through a three-membered platinacycle transition state to give Pt-arene η2-complex E with an energy barrier of 14.0 kcal/mol. (3) E undergoes ligand exchange with chloride to form neutral Pt-arene η2-complex F. (4) F undergoes ligand substitution with acetonitrile to give the product and the energy barrier is small (10.6 kcal/mol). The rate-determining step is the 1,2-acyl migration step. It is interesting to note that intermediate F was not included in the proposed mechanism but was identified by the NEB simulations. Five-coordinate Pt­(IV) acylplatinum complex B undergoes barrierless ligand coordination with chloride to form neutral formal oxidative addition acylplatinum complex D; however, D is less stable than reactant A by 2.9 kcal/mol, which also implies that the isolation of an oxidative addition product Pt­(IV) complex may be very challenging. The direct reductive elimination of D to form product P has a higher energy barrier (36.6 kcal/mol).
