American Chemical Society
ez0c00065_si_002.xlsx (100.36 kB)

The Contribution and Mitigation Potential of Reactive Nitrogen Emissions from Industrial Parks in China Cannot Be Ignored

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posted on 2020-02-03, 12:40 authored by Zhibo Luo, Dingjiang Chen, Shu Kee Lam, Shanying Hu, Deli Chen
Industrial parks (IPs) in China play a crucial role in facilitating industrialization and urbanization, but their reactive nitrogen (Nr) emissions have received little attention. Effective Nr emission management requires a detailed inventory of pollutants. Here, we collected Nr emission data from 1,333 IPs in China. These IPs contribute to 33% of the gross domestic product (GDP) and 21% of the total Nr emissions across China. Different types of IPs exhibit different characteristics of Nr emissions, of which IPs in the chemical industry are hotspots for Nr emissions. From the perspective of Nr emission intensity (GDP-based), the industrial symbiosis of IPs can effectively reduce the emission intensity, especially in high-tech, machinery and equipment industries, where their reductions are more significant. If the full coverage of pollutant treatment facilities (including wastewater, flue gas, and industrial solid waste) is implemented in these 1,333 IPs, it is estimated that Nr emissions could be reduced by 1,884 Gg N yr–1. These findings could provide an option for China to address the Nr cascade and provide a solid foundation for the sustainable development of IPs.
