American Chemical Society
om050897e_si_002.cif (190.12 kB)

Synthesis of a Library of Iridium-Containing Dinuclear Complexes with Bridging PNNN and PNNP Ligands (BL), [LM(μ-BL)M‘L‘]BF4. 2. Preparation, Basic Coordination Properties, and Reactivity of the Carbonyl Complexes

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posted on 2006-03-13, 00:00 authored by Christian Dubs, Toshiki Yamamoto, Akiko Inagaki, Munetaka Akita
A series of dinuclear carbonyl complexes with PNNP and PNNN ligands, [(L)M(PNNX)M‘(L)]BF4 (X = P, N; M(L), M‘(L‘) = Ir(CO)2, Rh(CO)2, Pd(allyl)), have been prepared by carbonylation (1 atm) of the corresponding cod complexes, and the Rh/Ir complexes have been further converted to μ-η12-acetylide complexes, where effective π-back-donation to the acetylide ligand is essential to stabilize them. On the basis of the stability of the acetylide complexes, the π-donating ability of the metal fragment in the PNNX system is estimated to be (P,N)Rh > (P,N)Ir > (N,N)M. The dinuclear PNNX complexes catalyze alkyne hydrogenation, alkene hydroformylation, and allylation of aniline with allyl alcohol, and, for the allylation, a dinuclear mechanism involving activation of allyl alcohol by interaction with a CO ligand is proposed.
