American Chemical Society
ja034191s_si_002.cif (14.81 kB)

Synthesis of Triazoles from Nonactivated Terminal Alkynes via the Three-Component Coupling Reaction Using a Pd(0)−Cu(I) Bimetallic Catalyst

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posted on 2003-06-06, 00:00 authored by Shin Kamijo, Tienan Jin, Zhibao Huo, Yoshinori Yamamoto
The synthesis of triazoles via the three-component coupling reaction of unactivated terminal alkynes, allyl carbonate, and trimethylsiyl azide under the Pd(0)−Cu(I) bimetallic catalyst is developed. The reaction most probably proceeds through the formation of a π-allylpalladium azide complex and a copper-acetylide followed by a successive [3 + 2] cycloaddition. The deallylation of the resulting allyltriazoles proceeds very easily by the Ru-catalyzed isomerization followed by the ozonolysis of the resulting propenyltriazoles to give the triazoles in high yields.
