American Chemical Society
jo901162v_si_001.pdf (63 kB)

Stereoselective Synthesis and Absolute Configuration of the C1′−C25′ Fragment of Symbiodinolide

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journal contribution
posted on 2009-09-04, 00:00 authored by Hiroyoshi Takamura, Takeshi Murata, Takahiro Asai, Isao Kadota, Daisuke Uemura
Stereoselective synthesis of the C1′−C25′ fragment of symbiodinolide, which was obtained as a degraded product from symbiodinolide by alkaline hydrolysis, has been accomplished. The synthetic route features Kotsuki coupling and Julia−Kocienski olefination in the introduction of the side chains. This enantio- and stereoselective synthesis has established the absolute configuration of the C1′−C25′ fragment.
