American Chemical Society
am404460j_si_001.pdf (422.1 kB)

Stable Organic Field-Effect Transistors for Continuous and Nondestructive Sensing of Chemical and Biologically Relevant Molecules in Aqueous Environment

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journal contribution
posted on 2014-02-12, 00:00 authored by Minseong Yun, Asha Sharma, Canek Fuentes-Hernandez, Do Kyung Hwang, Amir Dindar, Sanjeev Singh, Sangmoo Choi, Bernard Kippelen
The use of organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) as sensors in aqueous media has gained increased attention for environmental monitoring and medical diagnostics. However, stable operation of OFETs in aqueous media is particularly challenging because of electrolytic hydrolysis of water, high ionic conduction through the analyte, and irreversible damage of organic semiconductors when exposed to water. To date, OFET sensors have shown the capability of label-free sensing of various chemical/biological species, but they could only be used once because their operational stability and lifetime while operating in aqueous environments has been poor, and their response times typically slow. Here, we report on OFETs with unprecedented water stability. These OFETs are suitable for the implementation of reusable chemical/biological sensors because they primarily respond to charged species diluted in an aqueous media by rapidly shifting their threshold voltage. These OFET sensors present stable current baselines and saturated signals which are ideal for detection of low concentration of small or large molecules that alter the pH of an aqueous environment. The overall response of these OFET sensors paves the way for the development of continuous chemical/biological nondestructive sensor applications in aqueous media.
