American Chemical Society
am8b03038_si_004.avi (7.06 MB)

Simultaneous Printing of Two Inks by Contact Lithography

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posted on 2018-04-04, 00:00 authored by David Moore, Ravi F. Saraf
Microcontact printing (μCP) is a valuable technique used to fabricate complex patterns on surfaces for applications such as sensors, cell seeding, self-assembled monolayers of proteins and nanoparticles, and micromachining. The process is very precise but is typically confined to depositing a single type of ink per print, which limits the complexity of using multifunctionality patterns. Here we describe a process by which two inks are printed concomitantly in a single operation to create an alternating pattern of hydrophobic and hydrophilic characteristics. The hydrophobic ink, PDMS, is deposited by evaporation on the noncontact region, while the hydrophilic polyelectrolyte is transferred on contact. We demonstrate that there is no gap between the two patterns using an optical–electrochemical method. We describe some potential applications of this method, including layer-by-layer deposition of polyelectrolytes for sensors and creation of a scaffold for cell culture.
