American Chemical Society
om060234c_si_003.cif (33.91 kB)

Remote Chirality Transfer within a Coordination Sphere by the Use of a Ligand Possessing a Concave Cavity

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posted on 2006-05-22, 00:00 authored by Yutaka Matsuo, Yuichi Mitani, Yu-Wu Zhong, Eiichi Nakamura
The possibility to enhance the effect of a modest chiral element in a metal ligand by the use of a second ligand possessing a concave cavity has been examined for the examples of 1,3- and 1,4-chirality transfer within the metal coordination sphere. Complexation of Ru(C60Me5)Cl(CO)2 with (R)-prophos [(R)-1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane] took place with excellent diastereoselectivity to give a configurationally stable chiral-at-metal complex, Ru(C60Me5)Cl((R)-prophos). This complex was converted, with good to perfect diastereoselectivity, into a variety of cationic complexes, [Ru(C60Me5)((R)-prophos)L][SbF6] (L = MeCN, tBuCN, methacrolein, acetone, CO, BnNC, 2,6-Me2C6H3NC), and a vinylidene complex, [Ru(C60Me5)(CCPhH)((R)-prophos)][SbF6]. The chirality transfer to the reactants reacting in the outer sphere of the coordination resulted in an asymmetric Diels−Alder reaction, albeit with modest selectivity.
